What are the reasons for the sharp drop in Instagram pages?

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Because Instagram is one of the best and most popular social networks in Iran, it has a very high income generating potential for businesses. But safe from the time you face a drop in income. In general, a drop in any business is not very pleasant and will bring many subsequent losses. Because you get good income on Instagram too, if you face a downfall of your page, you might end up on the carpet overnight.

One of the clients  earned 50 million from Instagram. With the drop of his page, his income reached 5 million tomans a month! Well, in this situation, anyone gets depression! Now, I will explain more about why the page dropped all of a sudden.

You, who are reading this article, have probably encountered a severe drop in your Instagram page. Maybe the views of your posts are too low. Or maybe less people will see your stories. Of course, it has a negative impact on your income.

Don’t worry, this article is just for you. To get rid of this problem, the best way is to first get to know the reasons for the page drop on Instagram. Then you realize the problem of your work. So, if your page is also down, be sure to stay with me until the end of this article.

Why do Instagram pages go down after a while?

Experience shows that no matter how successful your Instagram page is, you will face a decline after a while. We have seen many Instagram pages (even famous ones) that faced a decrease in views and engagement despite the increase in their followers. But what is the real reason?

There are various reasons that cause Instagram pages to experience a sharp drop in Instagram after a while. In this section, we will mention each of these reasons and examine them together. So be with me.

You don’t have a goal to be active on Instagram!

Maybe you, who are now facing a severe drop in your page, do not have a specific purpose of activity on Instagram. Maybe you want your followers to grow and your income to increase. But this is not the main goal! Why is it important to have a goal? Because without a goal, you have no interest in your Instagram business. For example, you can post a story when you feel bored. This is not true at all. With this activity pattern, you cannot experience the growing trend of Instagram.

You have no continuity in content production

Instagram activity is just like SEO. It is permanent, not a two-day job! I mean, it’s not like posting a few posts and you’ll get to a good place and that’s it! No, it is not like that at all. You need to be consistent to be consistently successful on Instagram. You must have a detailed plan for publishing content on your page.

Many Instagram pages that experience a sharp drop in traffic after a while is the only reason they stop producing content. For example, the admin of the page has been gone for 10 days and has not posted a single story on the page in these 10 days! Well, this causes the screen to crash and it’s very difficult to get back to the previous state.

long absence

One of the main reasons for the decline of Instagram pages is long-term absence. long-term significance; A month or more. It’s possible that while you weren’t there and didn’t post on your page, your followers were following other pages and interacting with them more. In this case, priority is given to other pages and your page will be forgotten. In fact, Instagram prioritizes showing other people’s page posts and stories to your followers. The only reason is your inactivity and continuous activity on other pages.

You produce consistent content

You might think that my content production is non-stop and I post and create stories every day, but why are my page statistics going down?! The content of your page is one of the most important reasons for the drop of your page. Instagram is a place where creative, interesting and useful content is always liked by users. You should also review to create your page content to break the monotony.

You are creating duplicate content

Repetitive content on Instagram is divided into two models. 1. Copying content on your page and 2. Using other people’s content! Many friends believe that we produce exactly the same content as before, which had good feedback, but it used to have a lot of views, but not now! Well, the reason is that it is repetitive.

Repetition is not just content! The location, tone of your voice, cover, etc. should be repeated for the audience. For example, if you shoot all your videos in your office, it will become repetitive to your audience after a while.

The next dichotomy is copying other people’s content. Many friends think that if the content of a certain page gets a lot of likes and comments, they should post the same content on their page. If this is a big mistake. Maybe it would have answered before, but not now!

You used follower fake

One of the obvious reasons for Instagram pages to fall is the use of fake followers. It doesn’t matter where these fake followers come from, you may have bought them yourself or they have fake followers for you! However, this is a major factor in your page crashing. Buying Instagram followers is strictly prohibited. If you buy a fake follower, it will seriously damage your page. It is not a problem if a real follower is found.

When fake followers enter your page, your page engagement will drop drastically. Because followers are fake and don’t respond to your content. For this reason, you will experience a very sharp drop in Instagram. In such cases, the best way is to remove fake followers from your page. so that your interaction with the page will return to the previous state for a short time.

You may be happy

Happiness is a kind of limitation that you cannot notice. Instagram bans pages that do not comply with the copyright law. You may have used copyrighted background music in one of your videos and not know it. In this case, Instagram will give you the mood without any warning and you may not notice it.

Where did we become happy now? In general, when you experience the drop of this model, it is clear that you are limited by Instagram. For example, if people search for your page name, they won’t be shown your page. Or if you have used hashtags in your posts, your post will not be visible in the relevant hashtags. By checking these things, you can know about your happiness.

Maybe you are action blocked

Action block is considered as one of the important factors of page failure. Usually, the pages that face the action block, experience a large drop.

Instagram takes action against pages that behave abnormally. In fact, pages that behave like robots. For example, they like a lot, do a lot of following and unfollowing daily, leave a lot of comments, send a lot of direct messages, etc. Note that if you do something too much on Instagram, you will be blocked for action. And finally your page will be blocked forever.

Flopping posts on Instagram

One of the penalties that Instagram has recently considered on pages is flopping. To flop means to break. A flop is a penalty that Instagram applies to posts. When you get hit with the flop penalty, your posts will be shown to far fewer of your page followers. When this happens, you will have less visits, likes and comments. As a result, your posts will not be included in hashtags and explore for more visibility.

In general, to avoid the failure of posts, you should use attractive and long captions for your posts, and publish content on your page regularly and continuously.

Change the theme of the page

One of the main reasons for the downfall of Instagram pages is changing the topic of the page. Instagram takes a long time to understand the theme of your business, so if you want to change the theme of your page, it may take a long time to get familiar with your new activity. Therefore, when you change the topic of your page, you will get less feedback because your followers are already following you for other reasons.

This problem happens more when buying Instagram pages. When an Instagram page is purchased, the first thing the new page owner needs to do is change the page’s theme. This is why they say that buying an Instagram page causes a sharp drop in Instagram page.

Instagram algorithm change

Many times your page may not work. The Instagram algorithm is constantly changing and updating. Whenever a new update for the Instagram algorithm is released, many pages may be affected by this update. The best thing you can do in this case is to be patient. It is better to do nothing and wait for everything to return to normal conditions.


In this article, I tried to tell you all the reasons why your page may experience a severe drop. If you don’t want your page to crash and always get good feedback from it, the best thing is to do your activity regularly and consistently on Instagram. I hope you have benefited from this article. If you have experience in this field, I will be happy to write in the comments section.

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