Everything you need to know about fake telegram member

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Now that we are in 2024, the impact of social media on human life cannot be ignored and we are all well aware of its advantages and disadvantages.

Like Instagram, Telegram is one of the most powerful platforms in the world, which is developing day by day and is very popular among its users.

Also, with its new and attractive updates, it has become one of the most equipped and advanced platforms in the virtual world.

With one look at this article, you will understand how using such platforms can have a huge impact on your business, you just need to learn your way and be able to use such programs properly.

With the arrival of Telegram in Iran, many users of Viber and WhatsApp switched to this platform, and seeing the attractive features it had compared to these two applications, all attention was directed towards it, and Viber and WhatsApp lost their popularity.

The popularity of Telegram has made its members increase day by day, and those who own businesses have realized that they can make money from this popular application.

Therefore, people gradually created Telegram channels and introduced their services or products, and many members were attracted to such channels.

With the Telegram filter in May 1997, many people were worried about their business, because users did not have easy access to this program like in the past, so many people turned to Instagram, but…

After 4 years of the Henoor telegram filter, this application has become popular among users, and each series of updates surprises users with its interesting features, and in these years, reliable, large and popular channels continue to function as before. they continue

In this Follow One article, we want to explain to you about fake Telegram members, what applications they have and how they are made? And what effect do they have on your Telegram business?

What is fake Telegram member?

The word Fake in English means false and fake, so a fake member means a member who does not work with his original identity in Telegram and is hidden behind a fake identity.

You know very well that trusting a large and popular Telegram channel is to create relevant content and the number of members of this channel.

Just like in Instagram, the number of followers of a page increases the credibility of that account, it is the same in Telegram. The more members you have, the more reliable your channel will be and the more profitable it will be to earn money.

There are many ways to increase the number of members in the Telegram channel, such as: buying fake messages from members, sending group messages in Telegram, extensive advertising, exchange with other channels, etc., each of which can be your business or channel. to improve Visibility is a big help.

We are going to introduce you to some of the best sites that offer you free Telegram membership, so click on the link below to view the sites (Place PDF here).

If you are just starting out and don’t have the expense of extensive advertising, create a fake telegram for members. This is one of the cheaper and more popular ways for people to introduce themselves to more people.

Now we want to answer one of your most frequent questions:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of telegram fake member?

Until recently, when it was not possible to create fake members from Telegram, there was no news about fake members, but still users were allowed to create fake members with American virtual numbers. Creating fake Telegram members has both advantages and disadvantages!

One of its advantages is the creation of fake members by many Telegram channel owners. They increase the number of followers and earn a lot of money by increasing the content of the channel.

And on the other hand, as mentioned, the number of high members is very effective in gaining the trust of the audience. This makes you have tempting and interesting offers from other channels to insert advertising messages or banners in your channel.

From the disadvantages of fake members, we can understand that profit-seeking people can abuse this method and use it for wrong purposes.

First, we introduce the types of members so that you can get to know them well:

How many types of fake telegram member do we have?

The first type are members with virtual numbers!

In this way, you are allowed to create fake accounts with American virtual numbers, which we will teach you how to do.

Members of the soul

Ghost members are members that actually exist and are actually real users, but they are called ghost members because of how they are added differently.

With the popularity of Telegram, some applications were launched as imitations, such as Golden Telegram, Telegram Plus, etc.

These apps secretly add many real people to some channels without permission. The process is that by paying these apps, you ask them to add real people for you.

One of the advantages of this method is that the added members cannot be removed and the loss rate is very low.

Your visit will not be registered and only the number of members will increase and most importantly you have violated people’s privacy. You forcefully added them to the channel without renting or asking users.

Apart from this method, it may have happened to you that after connecting the Telegram proxy, you were added to channels that you did not have, and no matter how hard you try, it is not possible to exit from them.

If you turn off the proxy, you can exit the channels. This is one of the ways to add soulful members to the Telegram channel.

How to make a fake Telegram member?

You can create a fake Telegram member for your channel in two ways. If you are very patient and can do this one by one and add them manually.

The second way is if you can’t enter members manually and you don’t have the patience, buy fake members from specialized and reliable sites, which is an easier way.

We want to tell you the first method so that you can make fake followers yourself.

One of the most famous programs in the world with which you can get a virtual number is the textnow program, which Android and iPhone owners can easily use by downloading this program from the App Store.

First, install Textnow and enter an email and password by pressing the sing up option and then click the Create Account option.

At this stage, we suggest that you enter a prefix, which is better to enter 920 or 850 numbers. Of course, you can use other prefixes as well, but for convenience, we suggest you these two numbers. Don’t select the Continue option to go to the next step.

At this stage, a number will be shown to you, enter it with the code +1 and wait for an SMS to be sent to you from Textnow, then enter this code and create your Telegram account.

Sometimes you may be faced with a message indicating that the number you have received is blocked and you are unable to create an account and you have to dial the number again.

It should be noted that after performing these steps, you should consider several important points:

If you have completed all the above steps and you are asked to enter your name, it indicates that this number is new and only for you, but if you enter Telegram without asking for a name, it means that someone else already used that number. use

If you successfully enter Telegram, send a message to one of your friends or acquaintances and see if it is a report number or not?! If it was a report number, exit Telegram and try to get a new number.

You can easily create fake Telegram accounts and add them to your channel, which of course takes a little time. But the working process was as we described for you.

Are Telegram fake members permanent?

We have to say no! Like Instagram, Telegram’s artificial intelligence is getting more advanced every day and it’s easier to identify fake members.

Fake members are useful for one to two months and then they disappear. Therefore, such members react in the short term and cannot be used for a long time.

So our suggestion is to use this method if you plan to do extensive advertising or exchange with other channels in the short term.

How to recognize that a channel has used fake members?

It is not difficult to recognize this issue and you can understand the whole story with a simple glance. But how?

If you are in a certain channel and you notice a huge difference between the members and the number of views of the posts, for example: the number of members of a channel is 20 thousand but the number of views of its content is 500 people, you can easily recognize that this channel has fake members. Of course, this huge difference between the number of members and the number of visits shows this story.

Another way to detect it is the falling of the members!!

By purchasing fake members, some of them will drop and others will be deleted as per Telegram’s detection, so as a result, after some time you will see a drop in the number of members.

Follow One has tried his best to explain to you from zero to one hundred fake Telegram accounts in this article so that you don’t have any more questions about this in your mind.

Now we want to tell you the basic methods to increase real Telegram members so that you can organically increase your members by implementing them step by step.

Like any other social network; Creating content is the most important step to attract audiences.

As in Instagram, producing content is very important in increasing the number of followers of a page, it is the same in Telegram. Especially, despite Telegram filtering in Iran and many people not having access to this program, you should be able to produce content that your audience will have a reason to follow your channel despite the fact that this program is filtered.

If you have an entertainment and humor channel, engage your audience by publishing up-to-date and attractive clips so that they continue to follow your channel to see funny and happy clips.

Or if you have a channel that sells virtual services or physical products, by publishing attractive and clear photos, provide it to the followers so that they do not have any doubts.

The second way is to increase interaction with your members!

If you have an active and dynamic channel that you post regularly and encourage your followers to join using the Telegram voting tool, it is very effective that members stay in your channel and even your attractive posts. Send to your other friends. As a result, your real members will gradually increase.

The third way that is very effective and profitable is advertising!

You can propose cooperation to big and famous channels by preparing a beautiful and attractive advertising poster, so that by placing your poster in their channel, other members of that channel will see your poster and if it is attractive to them, they will enter your channel. If you are at the beginning of the journey and cannot afford the heavy costs of advertising, you can start from smaller and less expensive channels or ask reputable sites such as Fallowan to advertise for you in the target channels at a more reasonable cost. The cost of advertising may be heavy for you, but the result you get from it is very exciting and positive, so don’t underestimate advertising in any way.

The fourth method we suggest is to exchange with channels of the same category!

With a simple search, you can find channels of the same category and attract more members by exchanging your advertising banners in the channels. Just make sure that the members of the channel you are going to exchange with have real members. Fake!

This method is one of the best methods of advertising because many channels do not cost much at the beginning of their activity, but in the exchange method with channels of the same level, you can advertise for free.

An important point to consider as the fifth method is the channel name and its logo!

It is an undeniable fact that attractive and stunning images are recorded in our visual memory for a long time. So try to design a special name and a permanent logo for your channel to attract more members even unintentionally.

The mentioned points represent years of experience that the free flw1 expert team provides to you dear ones and tries to answer your most common questions.


Fallowan, with a history of nearly 10 years, has been able to attract the attention of customers by providing quality and direct services and help you to grow and improve your Instagram account, and by answering your most common questions about social networks, especially Instagram. And Telegram will guide you properly, so that you can easily take big steps towards success and earning.

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