Telegram Members [Guaranteed]

Buy Telegram Members

Min: 100 Max: 10,000 

  • 30 Days Refill: $2.5 / 1k
  • 60 Days Refill: $2.8 / 1k
  • 90 Days Refill: $3 / 1k
  • 180 Days Refill: $3.5 / 1k

Buy Telegram Members

Fast and Best Quality In the World

  • Fast Delivery / Safe
  • Guaranteed: [Auto Refill 30, 60, 90, 180 Days]
  • Speed: 1-10K/Day
  • High Quality
  • Public Links

⚠️ Warning

  • If you change the link of your order processing, The status of your order will be complete, and refill will not work.
  • Please read the refill Policy to know how to perform the services.

Buy Telegram Members

Buy Telegram members is one of the best services of Zobika. The most important feature of this service is that we guarantee the drop of members.

This means that your members will have very little dropping. Close to zero drop. Isn’t it fantastic? Buy Telegram members on Zobika with low drop.

Buy Telegram Members with 0% Drop

This Service have a 0 drop. [ 30,60,90,180 days guarantee]
Non-drop services are guaranteed for up to 30 days. In fact, their drop is compensated. Real and fake members have drop in any case.

– If a group or channel uses Hebrew in the name or content, Telegram has rigorous policies in place. Your order might not be completed if it is placed for one of these channels or groups.

  • Ask us questions before placing an order for them.

– There is an estimated drop rate for each service. Low shedding ranges from 5 to 20%, medium shedding ranges from 20 to 50, and excessive shedding ranges from 5 to 100%.

  • But bear in mind that they are only estimations and could alter based on your channel or account, as well as the state of social networks and other factors. The information about the drop is only an estimate and guess based on the service’s past performance.

Refill Policy [Service Guaranteed rules]

  1. Refills will not compensate for your previous (earlier) followers/members/likes/subscribers/… drops. For a high start count, refilling may not work well.
  2. If your current follower/member/like/subscriber/… is less than the start count registered for the order, the refill will be disabled.
  3. Some services have two types of drop guarantee (refills). guarantee with a time limit (7 days, 14 days, etc.) and a guarantee with an amount limit (up to 5 times the order amount or up to 10 times the order amount). Pay attention to the service description.
  4. When a service has a guarantee, the order’s start, not its completion, is used to determine how many warranty days are left. In other words, if you use a service with a 30-day guarantee and it takes longer than 30 days to complete your order for any reason, the drop may occur during the order and before it is completed, and the website will not be responsible for it. .Each service’s description includes a time estimate for processing orders. Additionally, telegram channel updates and other information regarding modifications to the status and quality of services are included in the description of those services and are given a higher priority. So please pay attention to our service descriptions and notifications before placing an order.
  5. At least 24 hours must have passed from the finish of the order in order to request a refill.
  6. To place a reorder for a link, first let its previous refill complete.
  7. One of the conditions is that the link you provided in your order must not have had a drop in followers or subscribers before you placed your order. If the link had a drop in followers or subscribers before you placed your order, we will not refill. To request a refill, you must submit a screenshot of your channel or page analytics from one month before your order date till refill request.

Buy Telegram Members
Buy Telegram Members [Non Drop]


Why Telegram?

As you know, these days social networks, in addition to being a means of entertaining people, are one of the best channels that any person or business can use to earn money from Telegram. As you know, any place that has a large audience is the best place for advertising and marketing products and services.

Therefore, the Telegram messenger application, which has involved many people these days, is the best place to earn money from the Internet and also the prosperity of Internet businesses.

Buy Telegram Subscribers [0 Drop and Guaranteed:

We all know that the high number of members of a Telegram channel or group has a great impact on the sale of products and services, as well as the acceptance of that group or channel.

There are many ways to increase the number of members. Creating content, advertising, interacting with users, interacting with other channels and groups, and using the Buy Telegram members on ZOBIKA.

Buy Telegram Real Members:

Buy Telegram members is useful along with other methods. It is better not to rely only on this method. In addition to buying Telegram members, you must produce good and continuous content and interact with your users.

If your group or channel does not have good content or if you do not post content in it continuously or if you do not have good interaction with your users, if you increase the number of members of your channel or group to 5 million, your users will still leave you.

So, in addition to buy Telegram members, be sure to produce content.

Buy Telegram Members: Boost Your Channel’s Success Today!

Are you looking to take your Telegram channel to the next level? Do you want to increase your followers and engagement? Look no further than buying Telegram members. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of buying Telegram members, how it can boost your channel’s success, and provide you with actionable tips to make the most out of this strategy.

The Power of Buy Telegram Members

1. Instant Credibility and Increased Visibility

When you buy Telegram members, you gain instant credibility and attract more organic followers. A high number of members signals to others that your channel is popular, trustworthy, and worth following. This increased visibility significantly enhances your chances of reaching a wider audience and growing your channel organically.

2. Improved Conversion Rates and Engagement

By buying Telegram members, you not only increase the number of followers but also boost your engagement rates. Genuine followers are more likely to interact with your content, participate in discussions, and become loyal supporters of your channel. This engagement translates into higher conversion rates, whether your goal is to sell products, promote services, or spread valuable information.

Buy Telegram subscribers
Buy Telegram Members | HQ and Fast speed

Tips to Maximize the Benefits

1. Choose a Reputable Service Provider

When purchasing Telegram members, it’s crucial to do your research and select a reputable service provider. Look for companies that offer real and active members, as this ensures genuine engagement and long-term success for your channel. Avoid services that provide fake or inactive members, as they can harm your channel’s credibility and reputation.

2. Plan Your Content Strategy

Before buying Telegram members, it’s essential to have a well-defined content strategy in place. Determine your target audience, identify their interests, and craft compelling and relevant content that resonates with them. By aligning your content with your audience’s preferences, you will increase the chances of retaining and converting your newly acquired members.

3. Engage with Your Members

Remember, buy Telegram members is just the first step. To maximize the benefits, actively engage with your followers. Respond to their comments, ask questions, and encourage discussions. By fostering a sense of community and making your channel a welcoming space, you will increase engagement and encourage your members to become loyal advocates of your brand.


In today’s competitive digital landscape, buying Telegram members can give your channel the boost it needs to stand out. With instant credibility, increased visibility, and improved engagement, you can take your channel’s success to new heights.

However, it’s essential to choose a reputable service provider, plan your content strategy, and actively engage with your members to make the most out of this strategy. So, why wait? Invest in Telegram members today and unlock the full potential of your channel!

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Visitor Rating: 4 Stars

Ole Kar

I think it is useful enough


Visitor Rating: 4 Stars


Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars




All is perfect here


Visitor Rating: 1 Stars


Visitor Rating: 1 Stars


i want to know if this service is legit?

Zobika Author

Hello . By what law and the law of which country?


Visitor Rating: 4 Stars


its good product thanks


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars




Visitor Rating: 5 Stars


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars


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Very trusted and very legit I take many orders from here and I receive quickly Very trusted and very legit I take many orders from here and I receive quickly I m happy 💖I m happy 💖


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars


Wow really fast …


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars

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thanks for support us😌❤️❤️💎💎❤️💎💎💎💎


I satisified by zobika work. Thanks


BESt offer


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you should use this guys


Cool services thank for I am so happy using it I have many channels and Groups I used your services to grow them I am so thankful 😌


Visitor Rating: 5 Stars

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