What is Telegram Boost ? Introduction + activation method

Telegram Boost


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Telegram Boost

Telegram boost is one of the newest features of Telegram that was introduced in 2023. Premium users can get many newer features by boosting their Telegram channel. If you have a question about how some users post stories with your channel name, you will find the answer in this article. Boost Telegram activates this feature. In this article, we will introduce Boost Telegram and explain ways to activate it.

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What is Telegram Boost?

Telegram boost is a feature for premium users and normal users cannot use it yet. It is also not clear whether this feature will be added for regular users in the future. Boost Telegram allows premium users to boost their favorite channel. This increase makes the channel owner gain new opportunities.

Boost is actually a form of voting. Each user has a number of boosts or votes that they can donate some or all of them to a channel. If you are a premium user, you help improve a channel by boosting it. One of the main benefits of boosting a channel is to activate the stories of that channel.

What are the benefits of Telegram Boost?

It can be said that Telegram Boost does not have a special advantage for the user and its benefit is for Telegram channels. Users can donate the boosts they received by going premium by going to a channel. It should be noted that if a user has received a premium from a channel, all his upgrades will be added to that channel and he cannot withdraw it.

Channels that receive a certain number of boosts will reach higher levels. These channels can post a maximum of 3 stories per day. Level 3 channel admin can post 3 channel stories per day. Also, when a channel reaches higher levels, its admin can set the background image of the channel. All users see the channel with this image and cannot change the background of this channel.

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How many boosts does each user have?

At the time of the introduction of boosts, each user received only one Telegram boost, but after November 2023, the new Telegram update increased the number of boosts for users. As a result, the number of user boosts is as follows:

4 boosts per premium telegram purchase

3 boosts for each premium telegram gift

1 boost for receiving a gift from another user

The user does not get any boost for receiving the premium gift from the channel. That user boost will be added to the channel.

As a result, if you buy a premium telegram and gift it to 3 of your friends, you will receive 13 telegram boosts. It can be said that there is no limit on the number of boosts and Telegram will reward you for the gift.

A user can donate all his boosts to one channel or split them between multiple channels. When a user boosts a channel, this boost will be active until the end of the user’s Telegram Premium credit. Of course, the user can remove his profit and boost another channel.

If you only have one boost, you cannot use the following features:

You don’t see the total number of your boosts

You don’t see the number of unused boosts

You cannot remove your boost from the channel you boosted

You cannot remove your boost from a channel you have boosted

All of these control systems and their functions are activated when you use all of your boosts. Then, if you want to boost a channel and the number of your boosts is not enough, Telegram will announce that your boost is over and show the channels you have boosted. This information tells you the number of boosts you gave to each channel and the channels you boosted.

A user can give their boost to another channel, but can only do so once per boost per 24 hours. In this case, that boost is removed from the channel and added to the new channel. As a result, if the previous channel was only one boost away from going to a lower level, it will go to a lower level when this boost is removed. As a result, the channel will also lose its new capabilities. The remaining stores will not disappear in an instant and will no longer be visible after their time has expired.

What is the difference between channel and user stories?

If you leave a story with the channel, you don’t have privacy settings. As a result, if your channel is public, all users can see your channel story, even if they are not channel members. In private channels, only channel members can see your story.

Channel admins cannot see the list of those who have seen the story and do not know about those who have reacted. Incognito mode is also not enabled for channels, moreover, channels do not need it.

Do channel admins know who boosts their channel?

The channel statistics only show the last 25 people who boosted the channel along with the validity period of Telegram premium credit. In addition to these data, channel statistics also show the total number of premium channel members.

In the statistics section, you can find out how many people have boosted the channel, the level of the channel, and the channel reaches a higher level after several boosts. Also, these three data are public and any user who has used their Telegram boost for your channel can see them. Obviously, only members of that channel can access information in private channels.

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Why do bigger channels need more boost?

The channel level starts at 0, which does not include any additional features such as channel history. In order for a channel to reach level 1, at least 0.4% of channel members must boost it, in fact one person for every 250 members must boost the channel. Also, since numbers are rounded up, if a channel has even one member, it needs a boost to reach level 1.

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For example, if a channel has 500 members, it needs 3 boosts to reach level one. Boost to level 2 to 6 and level 3 to 9. The number of boosts for each level increases in the same way, and a channel can reach a maximum of 100 levels.

What is the maximum number of levels?

A channel can reach a maximum level of 100, which provides the channel with 100 stories per day. It can be said that Telegram Boost does not have any additional features other than the channel story, and the higher security promised by Telegram does not have much effect on the channel.

How to get more Telegram boost?

Before the November 2023 update, each channel could only receive one boost per user. However, after this update, you can get 4 bonuses per user by gifting Telegram Premium to your users. In fact, the boosts that the user receives when they become premium are added to your channel. Also, this user cannot remove his boosts from your channel, because Telegram Premium has received a gift from your channel.

Is it possible to boost a channel without becoming a member?

If the channel is public, you can boost it without membership. To boost private channels, you must be their member and then you can boost the channel. However, even if you leave the channel after boosting, your boost will remain in the channel. Unless you get it yourself. Even if you give the boost link to another user, they must be a member of that private to open it.

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