Setting up the Telegram bot on the Telegram virtual server

Setting up the Telegram bot
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Setting up the Telegram bot

Telegram bot virtual server is one of the important prerequisites that you need to use these bots exclusively. Setting up the Telegram bot are used for various tasks these days and you can personalize them by connecting them to your personal server.


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In this article, in addition to providing more detailed information about Pars Pack blog server training, we also want to provide training on installing the Telegram bot on the virtual server; So be sure to stay with us until the end of this article.


What is the Telegram bot virtual server?

Telegram bot virtual server is a server that can communicate with Telegram API and you can use it to host Telegram bots and considering that nowadays Telegram bots perform various tasks from connecting to the payment portal and shopping to Automatically respond to users and even download. files, running the Telegram bot on the server has become very popular.

Getting to know the Telegram bot virtual server

In addition to being a very powerful messaging software, Telegram is also considered a good option for doing business. For this reason, many people use it to promote business activities. Telegram bot is also a suitable tool for automating some activities.

Now you may ask if it is necessary to have a virtual server for Telegram bot to work?

In response, we have to say no, you definitely do not need a virtual server for Telegram bots to work. But if you visit these servers, you can use the dedicated resources of the virtual server for the activities of Telegram bots and programs.

To improve bot management, it is better to use a powerful virtual server. This virtual server allows users to use higher speed. Hence it is very useful for business.


4  examples of the most famous Telegram bots

First of all, it is better to know the common types of Telegram bots and then see what the virtual server of the Telegram bot is for this type of bots:

Telegram bot

The name of the Tabchi robot is derived from the abbreviation of “Chi advertising”. So now you know what the main job of this robot is. Tabchi bot can be a great advertising tool for you and do something with your brand that no anti-brand advertising can do!

The work of this robot has two basic stages; In the first stage, this robot automatically joins a large number of groups, and in the next stage, it publishes your advertising message in these groups. This bot is written in Python language and you can run it on your Linux server with Telegram bot virtual server and use it.

Anti-link bot

Another popular and high-performance bot in Telegram is anti-link bots. You can set up these bots in your management groups and prevent them from sending messages that contain links in their text. With the Telegram bot virtual server, you can set up this type of bot on your server and use it in your groups.

Download bots

Download bots allow you to download files from various websites. For example, you can write a bot that downloads videos from YouTube, Instagram, or other websites that cannot be downloaded normally. All the codes you write for this bot must be uploaded to the server or host, and therefore, in order to launch this bot, you need a Telegram bot virtual server or a host that is optimized for this task.

Telegram bot sending messages anonymously

Maybe you have seen bots that send messages anonymously. These robots have become very famous in the virtual world for some time. The strategy that the developers of these bots use to generate income is to sell premium accounts to send anonymous messages to more people. If you also want to implement this bot, you definitely need a Telegram bot virtual server.

The most important factors in choosing the best virtual server for Telegram bot

Now we know that developing bots is one of the income solutions using Telegram and we also know that to have one of these bots you need a Telegram bot virtual server. But to buy the best server for this purpose, you should pay attention to important points:

Telegram bot virtual server hardware resources

The first issue that you should pay attention to when buying a Telegram bot virtual server is the hardware resources of the server. Note that when your bot becomes famous, many users will definitely refer to it. Therefore, the hardware resources of your server, which hosts bot codes, must be powerful enough to process and respond to a large number of sent requests.

Telegram bot virtual server data center

It is possible to run the Telegram bot only on servers outside Iran. So, while buying a Telegram bot server, pay attention to this point so that you don’t incur extra costs!

Telegram bot virtual server uptime

Another point that is very important in buying a Telegram bot virtual server is the uptime of this server. If you want your bot to be available 24 hours a day and users can use it at all hours, your server must have a high uptime; A server down is equal to a robot failure, and if this happens several times for a user, he will definitely lose his trust in the robot.

The high security of Telegram’s bot virtual server

In almost all cases, bot users enter sensitive information into this bot. Therefore, it is very natural that they expect this information to be completely safe. It is your duty to buy a fully secure Telegram bot virtual server and then code in such a way that there is no possibility of abusing users’ information.

Web server

We must accept one point; Everyone expects the Telegram bot to be fast and one of the important factors in the speed of the bot is the web server that is installed on the server. Normally, LightSpeed, Apache and Nginx web servers are used on the server. Among these web servers, Litespeed ranks first in speed. So if you want to choose the best server for Telegram bot, try to have this web server installed on it.

Server operating system

Servers, like any other computer system, have operating systems that give commands to the hardware. Two very famous operating systems, Linux and Windows, are used on all servers, including the Telegram bot virtual server. Linux is faster, free, and more secure. Therefore, the best suggestion for the best server for the Telegram bot is one of the Linux distributions such as Ubuntu.

Telegram bot virtual server price

The last point that we want to address in this section is the price of the virtual server of the Telegram bot. Although we mention this point as the last point, the reality is that in some cases, it may even be a much higher priority.

It is very clear that you should buy a server that is reasonably priced. But see the other side of this story; You may have seen advertisements of free servers for Telegram or free hosts for Telegram on the Internet, but no server is always free. As a suggestion, check how much it costs to renew the server after the free period expires.


5  steps to run a Telegram bot on a virtual server

In order to be able to use the Telegram bot virtual server and start your bot, you can follow the steps below:

Buying a server for Telegram bot

Your first task is to purchase the Telegram bot virtual server; This step is one of the most important technical steps that, because it has a direct effect on the quality of using your Telegram bot, you should be extremely careful about it.

Register the bot in Telegram

Now you need to go to Telegram’s BotFather and create a new bot. After that you will be given an API token which you will need in the next steps.

Choosing a programming language

The next step to run Telegram bots on the server is to choose the programming language. Telegram bots are written in different languages; But Python and Ruby are the most famous languages ​​that are used for this purpose. For example, suppose you want to design a bot to download videos from Instagram. For this, you can use the Python language and the Telepot and instaloader libraries.


Features of the best server for Telegram bot

When choosing a new server, you will be faced with a variety of options, and choosing one among them is a difficult task. Therefore, you can find the best Telegram bot virtual server by checking the important features of each of these servers. In the following, we have examined the most important cases in this field.

  • Information processing speed

For a Telegram bot, the most important issue is the speed of information analysis and the display of these items inside the software. Due to internet problems when using this program, we generally experience slowness, but using a weak system will discourage users from using your Telegram bot.

You should pay close attention to the hardware facilities in this field and on the other hand see what kind of hard drive is used to store information and recall it. The latest ones, like NVMe hard drives, can have a huge impact on data loading speed.

  • Optimum Telegram servers

In some institutions, we see that a virtual server for Telegram bots is optimized and with an optimal space, it costs very little. If you buy from these types of systems, you have made the best choice among the available servers.

  • Server outage

Your server should not be down for too long. Otherwise, users will notice that the robot is not working properly and will not use it anymore. The amount of uptime of a server has a direct relationship with its quality.

  • Permanent support

A good server should always be under the supervision of its provider company and if you need the help of the support team, they should be ready to answer you 24 hours a day. Rest assured that you will need their help at some point, and a good server will handle this a lot.

  • Security of servers

When users can trust you to protect their information well. This security includes both virtual information theft and physical theft or risks such as fire and other natural disasters. A good hosting company is always serious about security.

  • Infinite traffic

Some servers charge you for the amount of internet traffic you use or set limits. It is better to always look for servers that do not charge more for the amount of user usage.

  • System management

Your access to the server must be in the form of root and you must be able to make fundamental changes in it. On the other hand, despite this feature, you can install any operating system on the server and use special software features with this admin access.

  • Ability to upgrade the server

The virtual server of your Telegram bot must be upgradeable during use. You may not be able to correctly estimate what system you need at first. With the passage of time, your understanding of the robot and the required facilities will increase, and you will most likely need to upgrade the server.


The virtual server of the Telegram bot is the server that hosts your Telegram bot. You must know that Telegram bots are nothing but a series of codes written in programming languages ​​and therefore you have to upload them to a server.

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