How to receive emails via Telegram

Receive Emails Via Telegram

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Receive Emails Via Telegram

For this task, we can use two Telegram bots. The Telegram Email bot and the Fake Mail bot both have the potential to implement this trick; however, according to field studies, the Fake Mail bot performs better in implementing this trick, and we recommend that you follow the process of learning the trick through this bot (although the Telegram Email bot has many features, including sending emails, and in this regard is superior to Fake Mail; but it has a problem with the Auto Forward feature and does not display the text of forwarded messages correctly).

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In the first step, first run the bot link from or search for fakemailbot in the search field in your Telegram. Then click the Start button to start working with the bot. If you want to have an email address with a custom name, click on the set phrase, and if the email address does not matter to you, use the generate option.

For greater convenience, you can use the generate command so that you do not have to worry about choosing a unique name; In any case, whether through the set command or the generate command, the bot will eventually give you an address that ends with the phrase

How to receive emails via Telegram

This address is unique to you and all emails sent to this address will immediately be displayed in your Telegram account. Write down the address that the bot has assigned to you somewhere because you will need to use it in the next steps.

This address will be in the following format:

With this, your work in Telegram is finished. To continue the steps, you must go to your main email and use the Auto Forward feature to automatically forward all your emails (or those emails that you want to be displayed in your Telegram account) to this address. All forwarded emails will appear in your Telegram. Also, any email sent to your new email address.

To do this, go to your main email and look for a phrase called Auto Forward or something similar in the settings section and follow the steps. Naturally, the way to do this is different for each email service and it is not possible to describe all of them in this article; therefore, as an example, we will explain how to connect the Gmail service to this bot:

First, click on the gear icon on the main page and select Settings.

Click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

If you have not used forwarding before, a page will appear that only contains the “Add a forwarding address” button. Click on this button.

Note: Be aware that in the Google service, you can only send emails to one account in this way, so if you have already specified another address for forwarding, you must either change the current address to the default address after adding the forwarding address or follow this trick by creating a filter.

After clicking on the button, a window will open in which you must enter your Fake email address. If you remember, in the previous steps we asked you to write down the address that the bot gives you. Paste this address in this step. Select the Next option and select Proceed on the next page.

After this step, a message will immediately come to you in Telegram. There is a link in the message that naturally needs to be confirmed to complete the process of connecting the email to Telegram, but unfortunately, this link usually does not work properly. In this regard, it is necessary to enter the number sent under the name Confirmation code in Telegram in Gmail in the verification section (verify) that is highlighted in red in the image and click the verification button

In the same way, you can connect your other emails to this bot and as soon as you receive an email, you will be notified of it and you just need to visit your Telegram. This trick is especially useful for student emails; Because these emails often do not provide POP or IMAP protocols and there is practically no solution other than checking them weekly or daily; but this trick does not require support for any protocol; therefore, it is very useful for student emails.

To connect these emails, it is enough to find the Auto Forward feature in the email server, which is not difficult at all; for example, in the Microsoft Outlook Web Access program, which is used by some universities in the country, including Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, you can accomplish this in the Rules section.

Finally, you should note that this robot has the ability to generate many fake emails that, in addition to the above purpose, you can use them in your registrations. As you know, many websites require you to register when using the site’s features, and this is subject to providing an email address. You can also use this new email address to avoid annoying messages from these websites.

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