What is a brand on Instagram and how to build a brand?

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Brand on Instagram

Professional and experienced fishermen prefer to go to pristine and remote places to hook more and bigger fish.

These spots are a great fishing opportunity until other anglers find out about them!

These days, Instagram is like a cozy corner for branding. Maybe many businesses are working on Instagram, but few of them understand the importance of branding on Instagram and can take advantage of this opportunity.


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If you also want to use this social network that has a lot of media power, join us. In this article, we will discuss branding on Instagram and learn how to do it.

What is branding on Instagram?

Before we look at the concept of branding on Instagram, we need to know what exactly is meant by brand?

In answer to this question, it can be said that a brand is a collection of associations, experiences and feelings that people have towards a product, service or business. Branding is the process of creating and strengthening that image and experience in people’s minds.

This includes defining brand values, creating a visual and verbal identity, and enhancing the customer experience through regular communications and interactions.

Branding is done in many ways, but in 2024, Instagram is one of the most powerful branding tools available to businesses.

“Branding on Instagram means using this platform to create and strengthen the identity and image of the brand in the minds of the target audience. In this process, by creating regular and quality content, using visual themes and special colors, and interacting with followers, the identity Your brand will be strengthened.”

In this way, each post, story and rail acts as a powerful tool to form a lasting and unique image of your brand in the mind of the audience.

With its visual features and high popularity of the community, Instagram is an effective branding tool and can help a lot in increasing brand awareness and creating positive interactions with the audience.

What is the importance of Instagram branding?

Branding on Instagram is of particular importance; Because this platform is one of the most popular social networks in the world and in Iran, which is used by millions of people every day.

The most important reasons for the importance of branding on Instagram are:

  • Access to millions of audiences: Instagram has several million monthly active Iranian users and provides a wide platform to reach target audiences across the country.

This expansion is a valuable opportunity for brands to easily get their message across to a large number of people.

  • High interaction with users: Due to its visual nature and interactive features such as likes, comments and direct messages, Instagram gives brands the opportunity to communicate directly and closely with their audience.

These interactions can help strengthen the emotional relationship and trust between the brand and the audience.

  • Create a strong visual identity: Instagram allows brands to create a strong and unified visual identity through images, videos and stories.

This coherent visual identity can make the brand memorable and distinct in the minds of the audience.

  • Accurate targeting: Instagram users become followers of different pages according to their interests. Each of these pages revolves around specific topics.

This feature helps brands to give their ads to pages or influencers that are liked by their brand’s target audience.

  • Increase brand awareness: Branding on Instagram can help increase brand awareness and create more awareness among the target audience.

By publishing attractive and continuous content, brands can gradually establish their position in the market.

  • Improving customer experience: Brands can easily and quickly respond to customers’ questions and needs through Instagram, thereby improving customer experience.

This positive interaction can help increase customer loyalty.

What are the benefits of Instagram branding?

  • Visuality and high attractiveness

As a visual platform, Instagram allows brands to use images and videos to connect with their audience. This method is not only more attractive, but also conveys information faster and more effectively.

Many people respond better to visual content; Instagram will cover this need well.

  • Interaction and direct communication with the audience

One of the key advantages of Instagram compared to some branding methods is the ability to communicate directly with the audience through comments, direct and reply stories.

This direct interaction allows brands to receive instant feedback from customers and quickly respond to their needs and questions. In fact, businesses that operate on Instagram have a very good opportunity to attract and cultivate leads and convert them into customers.

  • Easy and unmediated access

Branding on Instagram does not require traditional means such as print ads or TV commercials. Brands can reach their audience directly without the need for heavy costs of traditional advertising.

These features are especially attractive to small and medium-sized businesses with limited advertising budgets.

  • Accurate targeting and effective advertising

Advertisements on Instagram can be targeted and categorized according to different audience groups.

This possibility helps brands to achieve better results at lower cost. This feature is a great advantage compared to traditional branding methods that usually include extensive and non-targeted advertising.

  • Flexibility in production content

Instagram allows brands to share different types of content such as graphic posts, videos, stories, reels, and even live streams.

This variety allows brands to use a powerful content strategy to attract the audience.

  • Rapid increase in audience

By using different hashtags and trends, brands can reach a wide audience. This possibility also helps brands to expand their reach.

How to build a strong brand on Instagram?

Just like every successful fisherman needs to learn the tips and techniques of this job, you also need to learn the essentials for Instagram branding.

In the following, we teach 8 key points of branding on Instagram :

1. The first and most important task for branding on Instagram is to determine the strategy.

If you do not have a clear and clear strategy, the published content will not affect the audience and you will face a lack of ideas and confusion for the content calendar; A situation that is not happy at all!

To have a successful strategy, you must take 4 basic steps:

  • Determining goals: First, you need to determine what you want from being on Instagram.

Your goals can include things like increasing brand awareness, attracting new customers, increasing interactions, or selling products and services.

  • Knowing the target audience: You need to know exactly what people you are targeting. Find out what your audience’s needs, interests and behaviors are and how you can connect with them.
  • Competitor analysis and evaluation: Check competitors and see what content they produce, how they interact with their audience and what strategies they use. Use this information to improve your strategy.
  • Develop a content calendar: Design a regular and coordinated content schedule according to your goals and audience. This plan should cover the type of content, timing of publication, and topics that match the interests and needs of your target audience.

Your content should be valuable, engaging and informative. Another secret to success in Instagram branding is to publish content regularly and regularly so that you can keep your audience engaged.

2. Use new features

In order to be successful on Instagram, you need to familiarize yourself with the new features of this platform and try them out. Instagram regularly introduces new features.

Choose and test a few features each month to measure their effectiveness. For example, hashtags can help you attract new users.

Using new features like “Reels” makes the brand page more visible and attracts more audience.

3. Take trend riding seriously!

In social networks, trends spread virally among users. These trends are usually fun and last less than 3 weeks on average.

Using trends is an opportunity for creative and fun communication with your audience and can quickly increase user engagement.

However, before using any trend, you should make sure that it is compatible with your brand identity and does not harm the company’s goals and values.

You should also think about how you can connect this trend to your business and products in a creative way so that it is interesting and relevant to your audience. With this approach, you can effectively use trends and build an influential brand.

4.Use of images and graphic designs

The selected images must tell a story or evoke a feeling! The images you put on Instagram, in addition to being attractive, can increase their interaction with the brand by stimulating the emotions of the audience.

The final result of this event is the dependence on their brand. An event that every business dreams of!

What images are right for your business depends on the industry and topics of interest to the brand’s audience, but remember to look for creative ideas instead of repeating images of your products and services.

If you only talk about the features of the brand and products on the Instagram page and don’t consider the audience, you will be rejected because it’s like someone who always talks about himself.

5.  Writing attractive texts

Although writing a caption for an Instagram post is not necessary, it can have a great impact and increase audience engagement.

The result of this incident is nothing but growth on the Instagram page of this brand!

Our suggestion is to use the caption as a tool to attract more attention of the audience. For this, you can use a text hook that makes them eager to read the caption.

Provide more information in the caption, ask them a question to encourage them to comment, invite them to take a specific action, or ask them to mention their friends.

6.  Attention to the basics of branding in Instagram bio

There are many things to consider when branding on Instagram. The first point is that the profile picture is the brand logo and is used everywhere.

If you plan to build a personal brand on Instagram, you should use a photo that can showcase your personal brand or special skills.

You should also match your username, bio, and highlights with your brand identity and visual identity. What words you use or what colors and images you use have a huge impact on Instagram branding.

7. Determining the tone and voice of your brand

As you know, voice and tone are one of the main factors in building a brand. Therefore, the voice and tone of the brand should be reflected in the text of captions and stories, in response to comments, rails, etc.

The more specific and unique that voice and tone is, the more effective the communication with the audience will be. The voice and tone of a brand can be “fun and mischievous”, “friendly and friendly”, “passionate and energetic”, “confident Be self-aware”, “guide and instructive” or any other example.

It is important that it corresponds to the main identity of the brand and is used naturally and consistently in the production of content. In any case, the lack of stability creates a bad feeling for the audience and drives them away from your brand.

8. More attention to video content

As you know, voice and tone are one of the main factors in building a brand. Therefore, the voice and tone of the brand should be reflected in the text of captions and stories, in response to comments, rails, etc.

The more specific and unique that voice and tone is, the more effective the communication with the audience will be. The tone of a brand can be “fun and mischievous”, “friendly and friendly”, “passionate and energetic”, “confident and knowledge”, “educative and instructive” or any other pattern.

It is important that it corresponds to the main identity of the brand and is used naturally and continuously in the production of content. In any case, the lack of consistency creates a bad feeling for the audience and turns them away from your brand.

9.  Writing Instagram branding instructions

The most important thing to creating a successful Instagram brand is being solid and committed to the promises you make. This means maintaining the look and feel of your content, colors, tone, visual principles, and everything else that goes into creating branded content on Instagram. You have considered the length of time.

Audiences follow a brand’s Instagram page for a specific reason. So don’t disappoint them by committing to the path!

Writing this guide will help you keep the hook firmly in your hand and not let personal taste or current trends steer you off the right branding path.

You can also share this guide with your ad agency or professionals so they don’t interfere with the process you’ve worked so hard for.

branding on Instagram; Digital branding solution!

Maybe every person, company and business has a branch on Instagram these days, but how many of them have really been able to have a proper branding?

Most brands that are active on Instagram are content to showcase their products, tap into unrelated trends, run contests and giveaways, and buy fake followers and miss out on this valuable branding opportunity!

If you don’t want to be one of those thousands of duplicate pages, we are here for you. At the new center of Iran, we will help you tell your special story on Instagram with creative solutions and the use of an expert team.

In this process, all services are performed according to the current standards of the digital marketing world.


No fisherman can succeed in the early days and his hook will not catch anything. But the only way to succeed is not to despair.

Each time this fisherman tries again, he gets closer and closer to success. Instagram branding is like this story.

If you want thousands of people to follow your brand page on Instagram, you need to have a proper and consistent strategy.

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