Learning the basics of blogging on Instagram

blogging on Instagram
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Blogging on Instagram

Blogging on Instagram is one of the ways to publish your favorite content in a popular and free platform. Instead of paying for hosting and domain purchases, you can establish your blog for free on Instagram and share your content with a large number of audiences.


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Blogging on Instagram can be free, but it can also generate income for you. In this article, we intend to provide you with a comprehensive tutorial on the basics of blogging on Instagram. If you are also interested in earning high income in this way, stay with us until the end of this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of blogging on Instagram

Before that how to blog

To teach you about Instagram, it is better to express a set of advantages and disadvantages of using Instagram for this purpose. By knowing these advantages and disadvantages, you can make an easier decision to use or not use this platform for blogging. These advantages and disadvantages include;


Drive the blog audience on Instagram to the website and increase visitors which may ultimately lead to increased sales.

The possibility of two-way communication with all audiences on the Instagram platform


Instagram restrictions on publishing content

The possibility of hacking your Instagram account and losing your blog on this platform.

How to blog on Instagram

To start a blog on Instagram, do the following steps in order;

  • Create an account on the Instagram platform

The first step in teaching blogging on Instagram is to create a user account. For this purpose, you must install the Instagram software on your phone or visit the Instagram website. After installing the software or entering the Instagram site, click on the sign up option. On the page that opens, enter details such as mobile number, email, username and password.

After completing the above step, your account will be created successfully. Since your purpose of creating this user account is blogging, it is better to make your account commercial. For this purpose, go to Instagram settings and click on Switch to business profile option.

By clicking on the above option, you will be asked to connect your Facebook account to Instagram. After connecting Facebook to Instagram, the account commercialization process is successfully completed.

  • Select the target community

The second step in the process of teaching blogging on Instagram is choosing the target community. You must know your audience and their needs and produce content according to their needs. You can determine the content needed for the target community by asking yourself the following questions;

What are the needs of your audience?

What words do your audience search for in search engines?

What videos does your audience watch?

After choosing the target community, you can also determine the topic of your blog on Instagram. Some suggested topics for the blog include;








  • Choosing an attractive profile picture and biography

The third step in the process of teaching blogging on Instagram is choosing a profile picture and writing a biography. When a user visits your Instagram page, the first thing they see is your profile photo and bio text. If the above two things are not attractive enough, it is possible that the user will leave your Instagram page. Therefore, always use an attractive profile photo and biography so that the audience spends more time on your page.

  • Creating content on Instagram

The fourth step in the Instagram blogging process is content creation. At this stage, you should start writing content that fits the needs of users. In creating content, it is necessary to follow the principles of SEO and digital marketing; Because it causes your content to be indexed faster in search engines.

If you don’t have enough experience in the field of SEO principles, you can get help from custom content production sites. These sites use writers familiar with SEO principles to write content according to your desired keywords.

  • Using an attractive title (caption).

The fifth step in the process of learning to blog on Instagram is to use a catchy title for each piece of content. The title of the photo plays a key role in attracting the audience. If the title is not attractive, the user may leave your page without reading the content.

  • and Two-way interaction with users

The sixth step in the process of teaching blogging on Instagram is two-way interaction with users. Since Instagram has the ability to send and receive comments under each post, you can talk to your audience and answer their questions after posting any content.

  • Use of hashtags in content

The seventh step in the blogging training process is the importance of using hashtags in the content. Hashtags are represented by the # sign. Using hashtags before keywords will make your blog content appear in Instagram search results. Also, try to always use specific hashtags.

Hashtags such as #travel, #medical, #clothing, etc. are general and will include many results. Using the above hashtags will reduce the possibility of your content being seen. On the other hand, if you use hashtags such as #travel to Armenia, #sale of skin and hair health products, #sale of children’s clothing, etc., the results will be more limited and the possibility of attracting more audiences will be possible.

  • Use quality photos

The eighth step in the process of teaching blogging on Instagram is the importance of using quality photos. When the blog audience opens an Instagram post, they see the post photo first and then your content. Therefore, always use attractive and high-quality photos to encourage the audience to read the content.

In order to find quality photos, it is better not to use Google to download photos; Because the images downloaded from the Google site usually have watermarks and are of poor quality. On the other hand, you can use sites that provide free vector images for download.

  • Using the story and live feature of Instagram

The last step in the process of teaching blogging on Instagram is to use the story and live features. You can advertise the content published on your Instagram page and increase the audience by using these two important things.

key tips for successful blogging

  1. Choose your target community

Before you start your work in the field of blogging, you must first determine your target community and know in what field and for whom you want to produce content. The best way for you is to choose a general item and in Write about it in your blog.

You must first know what you want to do with your blog and what your ultimate goal is. Do you want to promote a business through this blog, or do you want to share your information and interests, or do you want to earn money from the content you produce? Whatever you intend to do, you should know that the most important element is to check your goals for your blog so that you can succeed by focusing on them in the area you want to expand your blog.

A number of positions that are very popular in blogging

  • Business blog
  • Travel blog
  • Nutrition blog
  • Economic and investment blog
  • Way and method of life blog
  • Personal blogs
  • Fashion blogs
  • Health blogs
  • Design and design blogs
  • Technology blogs

If you want to be successful in choosing your target audience, you must choose your blog in a field that you specialize in so that you can write with love and passion about the topics you choose. You can even, for example, if you blog about travel, specifically write about France and make your content more specific.

2.Research your audience

One of the biggest mistakes new bloggers make is not knowing their audience. As a blogger, after choosing your target community, you need to know who your audience is and what they search for on the Internet. For example, if you have a blog related to real estate, you should know what someone who works in this field is looking for and what is his priority in searching on the Internet.

Therefore, every article you post on your blog should be careful enough and know what you are writing about so that your audience takes you seriously and also knows that you respect them and really want to give them information. Give something very valuable.

3.Get inspiration from other blogs.

As a new blogger, you probably want all your content to be original and write it yourself from zero to one hundred. This is the right thing to do, but you should keep in mind that in the world of blogging, you are facing many competitors and For this reason, you should be familiar with their work, so for this reason, you should definitely see other blogs in your field of work and know what they produce content about, what their writing style is, etc., so that you can learn from these blogs. Get inspired and create your own unique content with the knowledge you’ve gained.

  • Be aware of online educational courses that are related to your target community and are located on reputable educational sites such as LinkedIn.
  • Always be up to date and aware of new trends.
  • Use question and answer platforms like Quora.
  • Research bestsellers in your field.
  • Use Google Trends to check your site’s performance.

Know what users are searching for.

After you have chosen the content and topics you want for your blog, the next step is to search for keywords. Keywords are words that become important based on people’s searches in search engines like Google, and for this reason, it is better for you to use them in your content.

You don’t necessarily have to be an expert in finding keywords, but at the same time, you need to know what words your audience is searching for so that you can include them in your content. This will help your content to be at the top of Google searches. and increase your blog traffic.

In order to make your work easier in finding keywords, we will introduce you to some special sites for this purpose.

  • Answer the Public
  • Ubersuggest
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs

After finding the keyword you need, search it on Google and read the top 10 articles on Google that are related to that topic so that you can make the article you want to write closer to what is on the top blogs.

Make a strategy for keywords.

In addition to finding keywords, you should also make a strategy for them. The strategy means that you put these keywords in your text and also in your title sufficiently so that it is not too little and not too much. Google can easily check your text and place it in the top ten in its search engine.

You should note that your keywords should be included in your site’s meta title, meta description, and Alt title of your blog, which we will explain briefly about each of them below.

Meta title: This title is the blue clickable title that you come across in Google search.

Meta description: These are the same descriptions that are under the blue header in the Google search engine.

Alt title: It is the title that you give to the photos on your blog, which is used to make it easier for Google to check them.

You should keep in mind that keywords should be placed naturally in the text and they should not be used excessively, because if you want to include too many keywords in your text, this action will give a strong blow to your blog’s SEO.

Categorize your blog by content.

Just as you would categorize a library by content, you should also categorize your blog because this will help you to have an organized blog and therefore your site users can easily use your blog as well. For example, if you have a blog about movies and cinema, you can categorize your articles by genre, or you can, for example, set news, reviews, and notes for that section.

You should know that Google cares a lot about the structure, and for this reason, the more calculated and organized the structure of your blog is, the more likely it is that your content will be at the top of Google searches.

Set a calendar based on the articles.

Something that is very important for those who are new to blogging is consistency in content production. As a newbie blogger, you need to produce content regularly to prove to everyone that you have something to say in the field you are blogging about. You can compete with other blogs who have more experience than you.

The ideal model for a blogger is to be able to prepare two to three articles for his blog every week, but if you think that this is difficult for you, start with one article a week and try to improve that article. Write. The most important thing about blogging is to be realistic. You should define your plan based on your ability and move forward accordingly.

In order to be able to manage your blog with a regular schedule, it is better to use a calendar for this and set a deadline for yourself based on that calendar so that you can move forward more carefully and carefully according to the plan you have prepared. Another thing that helps your blog grow is collaborating with other bloggers because they collaborate with other blogs to show that they can write other content apart from their blog content.

Start your work with a basic plan.

After you have determined the topic you want to write about, now you have to deal with the structure of the text itself, which is the most important part of your essay. The basis of a good essay writing structure is as follows.

Introduction: In the introduction, you should give a general idea to your readers so that they know what is in front of them. The introduction is usually a paragraph or two, but it is very important.

Body: This section forms the main part of your essay. In this section, you should put all your ideas and analysis in the text. It is better to determine a separate section in the text for each topic in the text and in that section exclusively Address that issue.

Conclusion: This section includes the last two or three paragraphs of your article so that you can summarize the article. and reach a favorable conclusion.

Use data and research in your content.

After you have determined the structure of your text, you should go to the research about the article you are going to write. It is very vital and important that you use the right data and facts in your text. You should collect information from other sources that are verified in addition to your own information about anything you want to write about and then start writing about that topic. Especially, this will increase the credibility of your blog. If you write about a subject with superficial knowledge, not only will your credibility be lost, but no one will trust you and your blog anymore.

Another thing you should know is that when you write a well-researched and detailed article, it may get back-clicks from other sites due to the strength of the article and its scientific accuracy. If you have written an article that is really great, maybe a car introduction blog that will back-like your blog in one of its articles related to diesel cars so that they can get more familiar with the diesel engine.

As a beginner blogger, you can use other sources to collect information for your articles in the beginning of your career, but over time, when you become more professional in this work, you can create material for yourself by interviewing and asking different people. Original production that makes your voice heard louder in the field in which you operate and also makes you one of the important pillars in that field.

Use different content in your blog.

One of the things you should pay attention to after starting your blog is to use different and non-textual content in your blog. For example, after a while you can produce a podcast based on the content and topics of your blog and use that platform as a Ways to attract more audience and also use your personality brand so that you can gain credibility. Another thing that can help you progress is to create a YouTube channel so that you can be featured on different platforms.

Another thing that can help your blog and brand flourish is writing e-books, which can also be a way to earn money for you and also allow you to go into detail about the topics you write on your blog. Give them more wings.

Use visual content in your content.

Your text is the most important element in your blog, but empty text may make people disinterested in reading your article, so you must use visual content in your content. And you should also know that content with visual content is shared twice as much as content without images, so you should know that after every 75 to 100 words, you should include an image in your text.

After every two or three paragraphs, you should put a photo or video in your text so that the audience does not get tired of reading your article and continues reading. What you should pay a lot of attention to is using high-quality images to show your audience that you respect them. Even if you don’t have your own images for the text you wrote, you can use archive images for this.

One of the most important things you should do in your blog photography is to write an Alt title for the photos you post on your blog, this will help you a lot to be on the first page of Google. Of course, you should know that Alt descriptions are different from copywriting. Because Alt descriptions are not visible in the text and are only for search engines.

Use the CTA button.

As someone who has a blog, after a while you should think about converting your users into customers so that they can buy your products, so you should use CTA buttons in your content. CTA stands for Call To Action. CTA buttons are clickable titles that attract users’ attention and therefore users click on them.

In your blog, you should use these titles in many ways, not too many, but for example, on the first page of your blog, you should put about four or five CTA titles so that your users will see them and click on them and go to the page that you where you have displayed your products to be guided.

Use a good strategy for link building.

One of the most important points that you should know as a blogger is link building and its strategy. Link building has a great impact on the prominence and strengthening of your blog’s SEO. Link building is divided into three categories, which we will discuss below.

  • Internal links: there are links from your blog that you include in your text, for example, your article is about a hotel in Paris and you have written an article about Paris in your blog, you can encourage your audience through internal links that after Reading this, also read your article about Paris. For this reason, internal links help your blog’s SEO a lot and increase your site’s traffic.
  • External links: There are links that send your audience to other sites. External links are mostly used to show the authenticity of your content and the fact that they have been checked.
  • Backlinks: The most important point in link building as well as gaining credibility and strengthening your blog’s SEO are backlinks, backlinks are links given to your blog by a site. For example, you have written a very detailed article about a graphics card in your blog, and a blog that reviews laptops and computers has directed its audience to your blog for more information about that graphics card. Having backlinks from reputable sites will make your blog gain a lot of credibility and your blog will be very successful in terms of SEO.

    Prioritize long content

    In recent years, research has shown that long articles that are between 1500 and 2000 words are favored by more users and thus are shared much more in the virtual space.

    The main reason for the popularity of long articles in the first place is that readers feel that because of its length, this article can cover many topics and for this reason, it gives more complete and detailed explanations about its particular topic. Another advantage of long content is that you can use more keywords in your content, and for this reason, you can help your blog’s SEO a lot.

    Keep your content up to date.

    As a newbie blogger, you should always keep your content up-to-date, even if your content is about situations that don’t necessarily need to be updated, they may need a review from time to time, and that’s why you You should always keep your content one day.

    This updating can vary from adding a paragraph or two to an article to rewriting an article, so you should always have first-hand information about the situation you are writing about so that you can update your blog content and never They are not left behind.

    Use the newsletter in your blog.

    After you have managed to attract the audience to your blog, now you have to keep them for yourself, because in the long term, attracting the audience is not as important as keeping them, and you must always have a way to get your audience in a long-term way. keep

    One of the most effective ways to retain your audience is to use a newsletter. You can include multiple CTAs in your blog posts to sign up for your blog newsletter. Or email them your new products.

    You can also get email from your audience in creative ways like offering webinars, e-books and even free templates and send them promotional posts and emails.

    Advertise your blog on social networks.

    One of the questions you may have after starting your blog is how to increase your audience. The best way to do this is to use social media advertising. You can easily create Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages for your blog and share your articles on these social networks with others so that they can use your content.

    You can encourage your audience to share your articles with others by enabling the post sharing option. This will cause a chain reaction and increase your blog’s attention and traffic. to find

    Expand your activity online.

    Social networks are not the only way to promote yourself and there are other ways to do this:

    • Collaboration with other bloggers: You can collaborate with other bloggers who are active in the same field according to your target community.
    • Connect with your audience online: You can do this through social networks as well as forums so that you can establish a better relationship with your audience.

    Write as a guest on other blogs: This will help you get more exposure and also get a lot of backlinks for your blog.

    With a little effort and help from others, you can easily find your audience and also help the prosperity of other sites that operate in the same target community as you.

    Analyze your blog in all situations.

    One of the things that makes you better able to check your blog in terms of SEO is to analyze it. Analysis means that you use an analytical site to analyze the performance of your site so that you can have a better view of the content of the articles you write.

    The biggest help that analyzing your blog will give you is that you will find out which of your content is popular with your audience and which is not so popular, and according to the data, you can create more articles and content in the field that you are interested in. Write attention and revise and improve content that has not been noticed so that it gets more attention.

    Use opportunities to earn money.

    Maybe at the beginning of your career as a blogger, you don’t think so much about earning money through your blog, but you should know that blogging can become one of the biggest ways to earn your money, which can be categorized as follows.

    • Include a paid subscription feature that allows your users to use your exclusive content.
    • Placing the purchase link of the products you write about (every click on these links earns you money)
    • Selling products related to your brand. Like a t-shirt with your logo.
    • Getting sponsors and writing promotional articles for them.
    • Providing consulting services in your field of work.
    • Placing ads on your blog.

    If you can use these tips in your blog, you can undoubtedly create a successful blog for yourself and you can walk the steps of success with strength.

    final word

    In this article, comprehensive explanations about the principles of blogging on Instagram were presented to you. You can use these principles to increase your audience on Instagram and give your business more prosperity.

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