What is Instagram caption?

Instagram caption


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Instagram caption

These days, when the use of social networks is widespread, one of the biggest concerns of all people who work on social networks is to write an attractive and professional caption. But what is a caption and what is the correct way to write a caption on Instagram and Telegram?

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During the last few years, the use of social networks has become more colorful than before, and ordinary users use this platform to share their personal content, and small and large companies also use this tool as advertising solutions and close communication with the audience.

From ordinary people to social network content managers of big brands, they have a common concern for activities on platforms such as Instagram, Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. This common concern goes back to the production of attractive and engaging content, which naturally requires specialists and professional experts.

Part of your content on social networks is a good caption that can complement the image or video you want to do well. But what is the meaning of caption and how can you write the best caption on platforms like Instagram and Telegram.

What is an Instagram caption?

The text we write under Instagram posts to give more explanations about that post to the audience is called Instagram caption. Instagram caption includes text, emoji, #hashtag and @mention.

Why is it important to write a good caption on Instagram?

You must have heard that many times they say that a photo or video can convey the desired concept better than thousands of words and sentences. But sometimes this alone is not enough and for various reasons you need to write a good caption under a good Instagram post. The more you can communicate with your audience through your content, the more popular you will be and this will make you more visible to users.

Some users will like or visit your post regardless of your caption. But most of the audience likes to read the caption under the post and photos and videos alone are not enough for them. Instagram captions help your audience to be more interactive and show more participation according to the time they spend.

The better you can write a caption, the more likes and comments you will get, and it is not only important for you, but also for Instagram.

Good captions on Instagram explain what the photo is about, tell followers what to do, or interpret the subtleties of the image, making the content more enjoyable and encouraging the follower to share it. If you think that a good Instagram description is the last priority, you are missing out on attracting an audience. Because this goal is not provided only through a visual content. (If you intend to increase your Instagram likes, we suggest you to read this article)

How to write a caption?

Now that we understand exactly what a caption is, we are faced with the question of what points to pay attention to when writing a caption for a photo, what to do so that the audience reads our caption, is fascinated by it, and shows the desired reaction. Captioning should be considered exactly the same as a textual content or a textual article, which is written in a casual tone most of the time, but it does not mean that we cannot write in an official way.

The main structure of an article is determined as follows:

  • Title
  • Lead
  • Introduction
  • The body of the text
  • Conclusion and appeal

In the captions you see, you may not see these parts clearly like in an article, but if you pay attention, you can see these things in a unified and continuous manner in different captions. Sometimes the title is the important text that you put on the photo or video to encourage the audience to follow your content. The lead is the first one or two lines of the caption, and after that we see the introduction and the main body. At the end, we conclude in our caption and ask the audience to express their feedback (CTA).

Take a step back and know your audience

Any expert you ask will tell you that in all businesses, knowing your audience is the first step. This means that you should not proceed step by step without knowing your audience properly.

This is time-consuming and you need to talk to your followers a little before that. For example, we know that the audience that follows Naveen on Instagram has certain characteristics:

  • They want to start their own business.
  • They are not looking for a job as an employee.
  • They want to start their own online business.
  • Looking to learn online advertising methods.
  • They are interested in creating content in social networks.

For these reasons, the captions we write on Instagram are only for them, not anyone else!

So what should a person who does not know his audience well yet do?

Research, research and research!

In the simplest possible way, you can ask your audience how many times in a story, what content they are interested in.

You need to understand what is the audience’s purpose for following you? What are the challenges? Where are his weaknesses? Answering these questions will help you both in creating Instagram content and writing captions.

We suggest that you open a Word file and write all the personality traits of your followers in it. This will help you to go back to that file and check it again whenever you feel you are going off track.

The things you should write in this file include the following topics:

  • Who is my ideal client or follower?
  • What are the obstacles and problems he is dealing with?
  • What are its goals?
  • What things make him not reach his goals?
  • What are you interested in?
  • What things does he want?

So, as we said, knowing the audience requires research and it takes time. So you should start this process from this moment to get results faster.

Finding ideas

The most basic step to writing a good caption is to find an interesting and engaging idea to impress the audience and keep them engaged in your content. So, before writing a caption, be sure to think about different ideas and the structure of your caption and finally implement the idea better.

The beginning of the caption should be stormy

Remember that if you want the audience to read your caption, you must start it in the most interesting way possible.

You must have seen that Instagram first shows the first two sentences of the caption to the audience, and to read the entire caption, they must click on the “more” option. Instagram gives you 2,200 characters to use whatever you have in your bag, so write catchy and catchy, especially those first two lines.

In the following, we will teach you some extremely cool and practical tricks.

Write a sentence that questions the rest:

  • Why are other bloggers so yellow in their content?
  • Write a question that engages the audience’s mind:
  • How to write a caption that gets more likes and comments?

Write a sentence that creates curiosity:

  • Yesterday someone said they wanted to unfollow my account, but…
  • Make a trick to get the audience to read:
  • Do not read the caption! 🙂 / Don’t open the caption…

As you have seen in all these examples, the title of the caption should be so attractive that the audience becomes curious and definitely clicks on the more button.

Each of these pages has its own audience. It doesn’t matter if you have a blog, a restaurant, an Instagram store, or a flower shop; Any business you have, you must first know your audience and write attractive captions using the tips we mentioned.

We ask you to look again at the picture above and say which trick each of them used to start their caption?

Well, now that the topic is completely settled for you, it is better to move on to the next point.

Prepare some drafts first

Have you ever noticed that the best caption comes to your mind exactly when you publish your article? You say to yourself, “Wow, I wish I could write like that.” So don’t rush. Draft a few sentences for the caption of your article and ask your colleagues which one is better. Do not rush at all.

But thanks to Instagram’s new algorithm, the amount of engagement your post generates will soon be more important than the order in which the posts occur. Soon, Instagram’s main page (Feed) will display the moments it thinks are most important to us. The ability of your posts to appear on your followers’ Instagram homepage depends on the number of likes and comments each post receives, your relationship with the user who published the post, and other factors. That’s why it’s better to spend time preparing a suitable caption. Because it keeps the number of your followers and because it is interesting for them, they send it to their friends and in this way, their followers are also attracted to the content of your posts. (If you want to increase Instagram comments, don’t miss reading this article!)

Strong content and copywriting

To start this section, we must first open these two topics for you.

We tell you very simply, your content must be engaging. It means to directly target your ideal audience and make them fall in love with you. Well, we have a very complete and user-friendly article for this topic called “All about creating content on Instagram”, which we suggest you read to learn more about this topic.

The second issue, copywriting!

A skill that anyone who wants to own a business needs to learn. For this, you have to get used to writing and reawaken the taste of writing in yourself.

All the catchy advertising sentences you see on billboards, websites and Instagram post titles are written using copywriting. In the new site blog, we have an extremely interesting and popular article called “How to become a professional copywriter in a short period of time?” We have that will surely help you a lot.

copywriting techniques for Insta captions

In this section, we want to review some practical techniques about writing captions together. If you don’t know these tips, none of your posts will get the feedback you want!

The first technique, Draw the future for the customer

There are always 2 points in the mind of the audience, point A and point B. Remember that your audience is always standing at the first point and wants to get to point B.

What you need to do is to consider this in your captions and draw the audience’s future for it. That is, tell him how his future will change if he uses your products/services!

This caption is one of the new Instagram posts. As you can see, in this caption, we have tried to let the audience know that the future of their business is getting better and better with marketing every day. Now he can get help from us and he knows that if he uses our products, his business will progress faster.

The advantage of this method is that it opens the door to talk with your followers very easily. Because now they are curious to contact you and ask you about your products.

The second technique, Create a sense of fear

This technique is one of the most important and practical points that must be observed in captioning. In fact, it is better to say that if you don’t use it, you will never improve!

You should write your captions in such a way that the audience feels that if they do not use your product/service, they will be left behind. The audience should feel that they need to listen to you immediately.

For example, in the caption below, we tried to tell the audience that if they don’t listen to us, they will lose money.

When the follower reads this caption, he gets a little scared at first…he tells himself not to make the same mistake! So he immediately reads the caption and may even enter our site and check the related tutorials.

Or if you look closely at the caption below, you will see that we are talking about 5 destructive mistakes. When the audience sees this caption, they say to themselves…don’t worry, I’m making these mistakes! I need to save this post immediately so I remember never to do these things! I might even call Naveen and ask them for help!

You see, you will get closer to the sale step by step.

Tony Robbins says, “People try harder to avoid pain than to enjoy.”

For example, if everyone tells us that exercise is good for your health, we will never listen! But it’s enough for a doctor to tell you, if you don’t exercise in two months, you’re going to have a stroke 🙂 I promise you’ll be waving to us while jogging tomorrow at 6 am!

You see, sometimes you have to do something that sparks a spark in the mind of the audience and scares them a little…

The caption must include a call to action (CTA).

The best way to increase the likelihood of your Instagram post being shared and engaging your followers is to use some call-to-action words in your photo captions. Using these calls to action prompts people to take action instead of just passively scrolling through posts.

According to HubSpot, using these calls on Twitter increases the share of posts more than using nouns and adjectives. This fact can also be true about Instagram. Try to finish your caption purposefully. Draw conclusions from what you said and finally do something with a suitable and attractive call, the audience will provide the feedback you want and take the action you want. Using Call To Action is very important; Because it makes not only the followers to be addressed and feel valued, but also helps them to participate more.

For example, you might use these phrases: “If you were interested, double tap (it does the same thing as liking on Instagram)” or “Share your story in the comment section.”

Directing users to the bio link

In this way, you can see the volume of visits of users who have been directed through your Instagram page. (If you plan to put some links in your Instagram bio, we suggest you read this article!)

Ask the follower something

Always remember to make a request to the audience in your captions. Ask him to do something for you. For example, ask a question and tell him to give you the answer in the comments, or much more simply ask the audience to like your post, leave a comment, send it to their friends and save the post.

In the marketing world, this is called a call to action. Better is the article “What is a call to action?” Read carefully to find out all about this magical technique.

Tell the subject of the post

The first category is very simple; We all start here. Whenever we want to make a post or story, we look for a text related to the photo. The difference is that the more realistic you are in describing the photo, the better. In this way, the audience feels closer to you, because they know that you are sharing a personal topic with them.

Ask users to tag their friends

Encourage your followers to tag their friends to share your post. Here are some cool and clever ways brands have asked their followers to tag their friends.

Ask people to enter the competition

Holding a contest is a great way to increase user engagement and showcase your brand on Instagram. Invite people to submit their pictures and tag them using a hashtag in the caption of your post. For those who are interested, include the official rules of the contest in the caption of your post and even put a link to it in the bio section.

Limit the number of hashtags to four

An Instagram hashtag has the same function as a Twitter or Facebook hashtag and connects the conversations of different users into one stream. As long as your Instagram account is public, any user who searches for that hashtag may find your Instagram post. (If you want to know what Twitter is and what it is used for, we suggest you read this article)

Hashtags are very useful for connecting unrelated users who are talking and interested in the same topic, events, brands, etc. Also, hashtags are very suitable for adding interesting points and some special jokes to your post.

Use hashtags sparingly. Some Instagram users post a chain of searchable hashtags to attract more followers. But the truth is, it looks like spamming your followers. If you use too many hashtags, people will notice and that is not attractive at all. So limit the hashtags to three or four numbers. Keep in mind that if you don’t want to use hashtags, you don’t have to. You don’t always need hashtags to write a unique caption, and using hashtags is not necessary or definitive.

Match the tone of your brand with the uplifting tone of Instagram

Each social network has a different tone and literature that works well for it. For example, specialized words and terms work well in a specific network such as LinkedIn, but may not work on Instagram. The best posts on Instagram usually have an upbeat and interesting tone that can better show the human, private, and authentic aspects of a brand. That’s why you need to match the tone of your brand with the tone of Instagram. This network is better for brands with a cheerful tone.

For other brands that have a more serious tone, a balance should be established between intimacy and seriousness. Matching the tone of your brand with the tone of Instagram can help you build a successful brand along the way. People enjoy it when brands make a funny or competitive joke into their ad.

Storytelling in Instagram captions

Have you ever encountered people around you who tell you the story of an event in such a way that you feel like you were really there? Such people are skilled storytellers that we never get tired of listening to their stories.

Now imagine how much a business with storytelling technique can influence the mind of the audience.

Storytelling is one of the most interesting ways to interact with the audience. Instagram users are used to seeing ordinary captions; So what better way to surprise them by telling a story.

If you are a writer, you know that a good story includes 3 main elements:

  • It always has a hero.
  • There will definitely be a challenge for that hero.
  • The author’s tone changes according to what happens.

Promote your other social channels on Instagram

You can use the caption of your Instagram post to promote your other accounts on other social networks. This is a great way to let your followers know how and where they can find you. In this way, your Instagram followers can follow you on Twitter, Telegram, Aparat and other social networks. For example, you may promote a campaign on Instagram that you have launched on other social networks.

If you are in doubt, prepare the caption as a summary

Your captions may be longer than a few words or a sentence, depending on the taste of your audience. For example, if you own a food company, you may include the entire method of preparing a food in your caption. There is no problem with this method, if you write the most important information (such as the name of the desired food) at the beginning of the caption. In this way, the original information is not hidden.

But if you’re still unsure of your brand’s tone, in our experience, writing a brief is the best course of action. Some of the best Instagram captions are short snaps, or they write the main points very quickly and very briefly and let the image do the talking for the audience.

Creative template for writing attractive captions

● Experience a new world of comfort and pleasure! With our products, your life will be updated and better.

● A collection of the best is waiting for you; Join us now to a world of pleasure.

● Combine comfort and style. Our new collection is waiting for you.

● We are proud to be able to provide the best technology solutions; Experience the technology with us now.

● It’s time to achieve your best; Our products give you this opportunity.

● A positive change starts with our products; Join us to refresh your life with a small change.

● The secret of the best is in the right choices; We provide you the best with our top picks.

● Enjoy life and share time with your family and friends. Experience exciting moments with our products.

● For the best gifts of experiences, we are always with you. Choose a different and lasting gift.

● Make your dreams come true. Our products make the day you’ve always wanted come into your hands.

Please pay attention to your goals, products or services as well as paying attention to legal and ethical obligations when writing advertising captions.

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