How to Advertising on Telegram ?

Advertising on Telegram


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Advertising on Telegram

How to advertise on Telegram?

Advertising on Telegram was considered one of the most common methods of advertising until the restriction of working with this social network, which, of course, dropped a little when this messenger was blocked.But users turned to Telegram again. This is evident from the increase in Telegram channel members. Since you should not leave the field empty for your competitors in your marketing, it is better to be present wherever your customers are. For this reason, I recommend you not to miss this Telegram advertising post.

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What is Telegram advertising campaign?

Telegram advertising campaign is a set of advertising methods and strategies that are implemented on the Telegram platform. Marketing managers or digital marketing specialists of different businesses choose and implement various types of advertisements for this platform according to the capabilities of Telegram.

These ads are published in different groups and channels to target and attract users. In the past, digital marketers had to go directly to the managers of the advertising channels and pay fees to be able to advertise their ads in the channels and Place Telegram groups. But recently, Telegram has made it possible to run advertising campaigns, so that you apply for advertising and this platform automatically publishes your advertising content on popular channels.

Why should we advertise on Telegram?

This platform is one of the most popular messengers in the world and the number of its users is increasing day by day due to its various features. On the other hand, most Iranians use Telegram and are members of channels that cover their favorite topics. Therefore, the first reason for the importance of advertising on Telegram is that most of the audiences of different businesses are active on this platform.

Other reasons for the importance of advertising in Telegram include:

·       The existence of various channels with various topics for advertising businesses in various fields

·       Ability to communicate with customers on the Telegram platform, easier support after advertising

·       The possibility of setting up Telegram groups and channels for the target audience of the brand and providing services and information to them

·       The possibility of holding advertising campaigns with different goals; From increasing the number of channel members to increasing site traffic

·       Various features such as polls or multiple choice questions to increase audience engagement

What is the best way to advertise in Telegram?

There are different methods for advertising in Telegram, from which it is not possible to choose the best advertising method. Each brand works on a successful advertising method according to the audience’s taste, created content and advertising strategies.

How to advertise on Telegram

To find the best advertising method, you should follow the important moments of the campaign, try different advertising methods and measure the effectiveness of each one. Finally, you can determine which of the types of Telegram advertising has more benefits for your business

Visiting advertisements in Telegram

The basis of work of Telegram channels is the number of their visits. For this reason, visit advertisements are considered one of the best types of advertisements in Telegram. When you publish a post, there is a small eye icon with a number in the lower right corner. This number shows the total number of views of the post.

Advertising display is used for people who plan to advertise in several different channels. The advantages of this advertising method are:

·       Targeted budget is spent and you are sure enough people have seen the post.

·       Visiting ads can be done with any budget.

Advertising is done in a safe way, because it is not possible to buy fake views in Telegram.

Click ads in Telegram

If you intend to use click methods in your Telegram ads, you must get help from the Telegram system, and it is not possible to make a personal order to the admin of different channels. Because they can’t check how many people have taken the action you want and charge based on that. The intended CTA for click ads is usually a click on a link in the ad post message.

We have explained the advantages of this method of advertising in Telegram:

·       Targeted budget is spent and you are sure that enough people have seen your ad and taken the desired action. Of course, click ads must be done by a reliable service and on reliable channels, because it is possible to create fake clicks on Telegram.

·       It is possible to buy click ads with any budget.

These ads are suitable for website or app visits.

Click ads are not a good choice to increase Telegram channel members. Because when you publish an ad, users click on the link, take a look at your Telegram channel, and often return to the previous channel without subscribing.

Fixed ads in Telegram

Sticky ads are ads that remain on the Telegram channel forever. Of course, since Telegram channel posts are sequential, after a while your ad will be lost among the posts of other channels and will no longer be viewed. Therefore, this method cannot be considered as permanent advertising. Some channels will pin your brand advertisement for a while to get more views.

You can read the advantages of advertising on Telegram in this way:

·       Increases brand awareness.

·       A large audience sees it. Maybe the visit rate of these ads is higher than the visited ads. (This issue depends on the channel that hosts the ads)

·       Some audiences may have the habit of reading old posts of a Telegram channel and see your ad.

This method has a fixed cost; Therefore, the minimum budget you need is the cost of advertising on Telegram for one of the channels.

Hourly advertisements on Telegram

Telegram’s hourly ads are like fixed ads, except that they are sent in a specific time period. These ads are 12-hour or 24-hour and are deleted by the administrator after the end of this period. This method of advertising in Telegram is also done directly, that is, you send a message to the admin of your desired channels, pay the cost of advertising and request advertisements. With this method, you do not need to use the Telegram advertising service.

Advertisements aimed at increasing Telegram channel members

This method of advertising is not direct and refers to content creation in the Telegram channel. If your Telegram channel has attractive and user-friendly content, people will join it little by little. By increasing the number of members, different plans can be made to convert them into real customers.

Another way to increase Telegram channel members is to buy members. Various Iranian sites operate in this field. The accounts added to your channel may be fake or real, but in any case, there is no guarantee that these people are your target audience. This method only increases the number of members and usually does not lead to more results.

Some channels increase their number of members through interaction. Interacting with other channels is a free way to advertise and increase channel members. In this method, you send the input of another channel to your channel, and the admin of the second channel does the same. As a result, the followers of both channels get to know each other.

Advertising by influencers or popular channels

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective advertising methods and it is also used in Telegram. Many influencers have a Telegram channel in addition to their Instagram page or other virtual pages. Usually, all or a percentage of their followers join their Telegram channel and follow them. Advertising on Telegram by influencers is more expensive, but if the members of your target market are among the followers of the desired influencer, a good return is obtained from this advertising method.

The best time to advertise on Telegram

Ad timing is very important, especially for timed ads. For example, when you request a 12-hour ad, it’s up to you to choose whether the desired content will be published 12 hours a day or 12 hours at night. You should analyze the behavior and habits of your audience to determine when they are most active on Telegram. For example, a business whose audience is students should not run ads in the early to mid-day hours when they are in class.

Telegram is a platform that most people check during their free time, not during a short break in the middle of the day. Because this platform requires the activation of anti-filter and proxy and it may take some time for the messages to be updated.

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How to advertise on Telegram to get the best results?

An important point that should be taken into account in all advertising campaigns is that the audience is exposed to many advertisements in cyberspace every day. Their minds are tired of advertisements that only describe the benefits of a product and are looking for more sales. They keep rejecting these advertisements and ignoring them. Therefore, for a successful Telegram advertising campaign, you need to create creative content to get good results.

Important points that you should know before advertising on Telegram:

·       Before deciding to launch a Telegram advertising campaign, check the persona of the audience and make sure they are active on Telegram.

·       Fill in the channel information and its name correctly and in compliance with copywriting techniques.

·       Produce quality promotional content.

·       Interact with users and find ways to engage them.

·       Before starting the advertising campaign, plan for its final stages.

Actions before advertising in Telegram

Every advertising campaign starts some time before publishing the advertising content on the host channels. If you do not do the steps before advertising in Telegram correctly, you will face various problems. You may choose your target audience incorrectly or use the wrong advertising method and fail to attract them. In the end, the advertising budget will be wasted and the desired result will not be achieved. For further guidance, we provide a list of actions you should take before advertising on Telegram.

Determining the purpose of advertising in Telegram

Advertisements on Telegram are done for different purposes, some people intend to attract traffic to the site, some intend to increase sales, and some do these advertisements to increase the number of members of their Telegram channel.

Determining the purpose of advertising in Telegram

The use of SMART indicators helps to determine the purpose of advertising campaigns:

·       S (specific): specified

·       M (Measurable): Measurable

·       A (Achievable): Achievable

·       R (Relevant): related to marketing strategies and digital marketing

·       T (Time-bound): limited to time

When your final destination is known, it becomes easier to determine the route. Also, at the end of the journey, you can check how many percent you have reached your goal, what your weaknesses and strengths were and how you can be more targeted in the next campaigns.

Set a budget for your Telegram ads

As we said before, some methods of advertising in Telegram, such as click ads or views, can be done with any budget, and some methods, such as hourly or fixed ads, require a specific budget. Even if you plan to run your advertising campaign with the first methods that do not require a specific budget, we still recommend that you specify the amount of budget you consider for the campaign. Because finally, you can check which method is optimal and has been able to get more visits and interaction for you with the lowest cost.

Monitor the Telegram ads of your main competitors

In most cases, you are not the first brand to launch a Telegram advertising campaign in your area. There are competitors who started their work before you and launched campaigns in this field. If you are lucky and see their ads during the campaign, you can also rate their results. But even if you can’t find time to launch the campaign, check which channels they advertise on, what method They choose advertisements and what content they use to attract their audience. Researching your competitors will increase your expertise and increase your chances of success.

Video content works wonders in Telegram ads

The results obtained from digital advertising show that video content is more effective than text or image ads. Of course, this question is not 100% certain. Some businesses get great returns for their ads with creative images and catchy captions, while others don’t get positive results with plain, low-quality videos!

An important thing to note about Telegram ads is that people usually turn off the automatic download option for their Telegram channels and groups. As a result, they decide for themselves whether to download your content or not. So, with this in mind, you should write a description that encourages them to download the video.

You should also keep in mind that the size of the video should not be large, users will not download advertising videos that are large in size. Remember that Telegram ads without captions have almost zero effectiveness and in most cases users don’t download videos or images themselves.

Determine the channels for advertising according to your business area

Finding the right ad order channel plays an important role in the success of Telegram ads. It is better to look for channels that have been active in your field since the beginning of your activity and check their content and visits. In this case, you will be more comfortable when launching campaigns.

Some platforms and sites also offer brands with the most visited channels in different fields. With the help of this tool, you can find the right channels and order advertisements. But it is recommended to consult an expert in the field of digital marketing or Telegram marketing to distinguish authentic channels from fake ones, or simply choose authentic tools introduced by these people.

A/B test should not be forgotten in the implementation of Telegram ads

At the beginning of launching a campaign, even the most experienced digital marketers cannot determine the final result. For this reason, these people usually recommend that the budget be allocated to all types of Telegram advertisements. After that, some methods should be continued by checking the results of advertisements and some methods should be stopped due to low performance. Therefore, A/B testing should be done.

Actions when running advertisements on Telegram

During advertising, you have two important responsibilities. First, to check the effectiveness of the ads and second, to target new audiences and provide support services to them. The maintenance work starts during the advertising and will continue until the end of the sale. Of course, after the sale, the customer satisfaction survey and encouraging them to buy again will begin, and the support forces must remain with the customers.

Being ready for any action in the implementation of advertisements in Telegram

If your advertising campaign is driving customers to your site, be sure to pay attention to Google Analytics statistics. If possible, when linking to your site, create a specific link for each channel to find out which channel has the highest performance of your ad. .

Your site needs to be ready to receive new users, so make sure your hosting can support high traffic and not run into problems. Also, have a support force ready to answer all user questions in online chat, phone calls or site messengers.

In case of placing a customer’s order, the sales process should be done in the shortest possible time and the product will reach the customer. Being in the middle of a promotional campaign is not a good excuse to delay delivery.

Actions after running advertisements on Telegram

When the Telegram advertising campaign ends, you have a lot of new audiences on your Telegram channel. As a result, you need to create effective content for them and guide them through the sales funnel until they finally take the action you want.

After the end of the campaign, all the data is regularly available to you. This is the best opportunity to analyze the results because you remember everything that happened during the campaign and know how each event affected the campaign. has put


In general, it can be said that Telegram advertising is one of the most effective marketing methods for all types of businesses. In this way, instead of waiting for customers to come to you, you have gone to your customers yourself, and as a result, effective marketing has been done. you give

Especially if this work is done purposefully and according to the target audience, it can have the highest return on investment for you. The social network advertising platform helps you to implement your Telegram ads in a targeted and optimal way in the most visited Telegram channels.

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